USE THE OVERRIDE LIGHT INDICATORS! This will help you know when you have made changes to your default settings.

Changes from your company default settings can give you the results you want but if you don't note that the change you could end up re-using a design with the expectation it will calculate based on your company defaults, and get an entirely different result than you were expecting. To avoid confusion Crate Pro give you the ability to include indicator lights on each panel or lumber framing field that you made changes to, whether the change was manual or the change was based on a rule.

Understanding the color coding for the panel indicator lights:

  •  Clear: The required size of the material matches the calculated size as shown in the Piece fields for plywood or Long field for lumber. Your company default settings are being used OR manual changes to a field dimension still meet the required dimension. If you made a change in the field from your company defaults and the required amount of material is still matching, you may go to the Rules tab and click on the green arrow next to the plywood or override box next to lumber and the light will change to Blue.This indicates there was an over-ride but the new size matches the required size.

  • Blue: The new size matches the required size. When you Run Rules your indicator may change to clear but you may chose to go to the Rules tab click on the green arrow next to the plywood or override box next to the lumber field of any panel you made a manual change to. This will give you a blue indicator light which tells you that a change has been made from your default settings but the sizes match.

  • Yellow: Crate Pro has identified that there is a mismatch between the required size and the piece size as it appears in the Pieces fields or the Long field of the lumber. The over-ride is off. This occurs if you change a rule or manually change a material that affect other components or if you change the dimensions of the crate design. When youRun Rules Crate Pro will try to recalculate these fields for you. If you have made any changes to the rules for any panel, the fields will be recalculated based on your modified rule.

  • Red: You may manually made a change in a field or added a calculation in a plywood field that shows a mismatch between the required size and the size you have specified. This may be intentional. If so you can go to the Rules tab and click on the green arrow for the ply panel or the override checkbox for lumber and the indicator light will turn red. This lets you know that there is a mismatch but its intentional.  Important: This does not lock the field - if you Run Rules on the design or on any panel, Crate Pro will attempt to resize the materials based on requirements.