Where costs show as applied here are based on the material costs plus waste factor for that material. Additional labor costs are based on the labor time increases associated with applying that material.
Materials added to Packing > Other tab will NOT have a waste factor applied with the assumption staff will select only what's needed.
Information below is based on the Closure Condition being SetUp(SU). Assumes your staff will assemble pack and close the crate. Changes to the Closure Condition can divide the times based on the what packing materials are applied to the the panel(s) affected by the Closure Condition. The option to select the checkbox "Customer Will Close Crate' will remove the Install Time that is associated with materials that are applied to that panel. Prep time is still applied with the assumption your staff will prep the panel for the customer.
- Wrapping:
- Prep time is included in Times > Assembly . The assumption is the staff assembling the panels will be prepping the wrapping material. Wrapping may also apply a minute amount of time in Times > Panel Saw. Like panelboard, wrapping is usually cut across the full width of the roll first.
- Install time is included in Times > Packing with the assumption that the staff packing the content will be applying the wrapping.
- Wrapping costs are added to Prices > Packing Materials
- Caseline (on Wrapping tab)
- Caseline time will be applied in Times > Assembly. Caseline is typically applied by the assemblers prior to the content being packed.
- Caseline costs are added to Prices > Packing Materials
- Loosefill (On Floater Deck Position tab)
- Loosefill is determined by the space between the content dimensions and the inside dimensions. The content dimensions are determined based on the 'Clear Area' value that you set in Preferences > Settings. Users can change this value in the design as needed without affecting your baseline value in Preferences
- Loosefill time is applied to Times > Packing because its assumed to be added by the staff packing the content
- Loosefill costs are added to Prices > Packing Materials
- Floater Deck:
- Floater decks often include a combination of panelboard, lumber and padding spo pricing and times will be applied in multiple fields. The floater deck size is based on the Content Size. The content dimensions are determined based on the 'Clear Area' value that you set in Preferences > Settings. Users can change this value in the design as needed without affecting your baseline value in Preferences
- Floater Deck time will be applied between the sawyers and assemblers time; Panel Saw for the plywood and Cutoff Saw for the lumber used. Some time applied to Handling and Misc based on the wood material used.
- Floater Deck costs: panelboard, lumber and fasteners are applied to Prices > Material Costs. Foam used is applied to Prices > Packing Materials
- Padding:
- Padding tIme is applied like panelboard. Cut time is associated with Times > Panel Saw. Application of the material is applied to Times > Assembly
- Padding costs will be shown in Prices > Packing Materials
- Other tab: Item in Packing > Other may have time added to either Asembly or Packing time. Consider at what point in the process is the material typically applied.
- Coatings - Coating are typically applied during Packing. Or after the crate has been assembled.
- Other - Since any material can be added to this category - it was decided to apply the time to the Assembly process. THis ensures that the application is not missed if its applied at a later process. Users can manually switch the times as needed in the Times tab if exporting the data report.