Crate Pro is a program written using  Claris-FileMaker database software. Millions of people, from individuals to some of the world’s largest organizations, use the FileMaker Platform to streamline their business processes, manage essential information, and boost overall productivity.  Claris-FileMaker Inc is owned by Apple, Inc. and will operate on both the macOS and Windows platforms in any combination.

The Crate Pro databases run inside the FileMaker software. This is similar to using a spreadsheet file in Excel©. You can add formulas to an Excel spreadsheet then enter data and the formulas will calculate results. In this regard, your Crate Pro database is similar to a very complex spreadsheet. 

Your license purchase includes a full version of FileMaker software for each client and is managed separately from the Crate Pro software. To keep pricing as low as possible, the Crate Pro and FileMaker are a "bundled" solution and one can not be purchased without the other.

Crate Pro and FileMaker are installed on your own hardware. It is not cloud based or hosted online by us at this time. Customers purchasing a server configuration may independently chose to install on online services such as AWS. We do have support articles and a referral to a company that has set this up for many of our customers.

Licenses are purchased!!! Crate Pro is a business tool and monthly payment options are available through many leasing program. For USA customers, a well used company is E-Lease (contact info available upon request). 

 Unlimited online zoom meetings are included in the initial company registration and activation fee for your first year for all staff. After your first year, an extremely low-cost maintenance plan is offered and is optional. Maintenance continues the support. It is not required to continue to use Crate Pro.

1> Configurations Options:

Stand-Alone: single computer installation. Crate Pro is installed on a single computer. Can not be installed on a server, a shared drive or remote drive. All users will log in on that computer. One at a time. Users can be set up with unique user accounts. 


Peer-to-Peer: If you're planning to access Crate Pro from five or fewer computers, FileMaker Pro client is installed on each computer that will access Crate Pro. One of the computers will act as the host for the Crate Pro database files. The other computers will connect to the host via your LAN, WAN or VPN .

Stand-Alone and Peer-to-Peer will not run on an online hosting service, on a virtual configuration, on a computer running a server operating system or from a shared or removable drive. 

Backups are manual when running these configurations. Do NOT use a 3rd party backup or imaging software on your live database files. 


Client-Server:  If you have 6 or more computers, are running virtual server, Citrix or RDS, or want to install on an online hosting service such as AWS,  FileMaker Server is required. With 5 computers, FileMaker Server is optional. 

An installation using FileMaker Server is highly recommended for speed, security, remote management for IT, automated backups and auto-restart after reboot. FileMaker Server will pause your live database files and create backups to the location of your choosing, which can then be backed up or imaged by your 3rd party software.

As of FileMaker Server 18 to current: Companies may install a 2nd copy of the server software as a failsafe should the primary server require maintenance or fail. However, only one server may actively be hosting files at a time.

FileMaker Server can be installed using a hosting services such as AWS, FMP Host, or other cloud hosting services that support FileMaker Server hosting,  However, a "cloud" service which combines FileMaker Server and FileMaker Pro client software on a single server, will not function as the server and client software use the same services and can not share them.  (AWS Hosting Information)

Services such as Dropbox or using a SHARE to connect, is not supported and will damage your database files.

We will assist with a standard installation. We do not offer network, server or security setting changes that may be required within your network or router.  Experienced IT personnel should be part of the installation process. 

Please consult the installation guides provided on the FileMaker website prior to purchasing your software or provide this information to your IT person(s) to ensure a successful installation.   (Current Release Documentation Links)

FileMaker Server Installation Guide

FileMaker Pro Installation Guide 

Note: Both peer-to-peer and client-server configurations support LAN, VPN and internet connectivity to your Crate Pro files stored on your Host or Server computer.  When connecting to your Crate Pro database from an external location, a static IP is preferred on your network and host computer.

2> System Technical Requirements: (we strive to ensure you're able to use the most current FileMaker version. However there may be changes made in a version that require changes to Crate Pro to maintain compatibility. When a full version update occurs, we will send out notices when the update is available)

UPDATING TO FILEMAKER 21.1.1 (fm 2024) in Feb/March 2025)

FileMaker Pro 21 (2024) Tech Specs  Refer to FileMaker PRO for clients and FileMaker Server for server. Note: newer operating system may not be listed because they have not been tested, however we also test and if there is a question, please contact [email protected]/

FileMaker Server 21 (2024) Tech Specs

Installing on RDS or Citrix Xen App:  

  • FileMaker Pro is installed on the virtual RDS or Citrix server, and FileMaker Server on the file server.    The required number of client (CAL) licenses purchased is based on the number of unique end user computers that will connect to Crate Pro through the virtual server. The number of FileMaker Pro installations on virtual servers may not be greater than the number of CAL purchased. (per terms of EULA)

FileMaker Server system specs are updated often. Please check Claris-FileMaker's site for the most updated information:


FileMaker 19 will be closed out over the next 6 months but is the current release until then

FileMaker 19 System Requirements   Refer to FileMaker PRO for clients and FileMaker Server for server. Note: newer operating system may not be listed because they have not been tested, however we also test and if there is a question, please contact [email protected]/

Ensure to check FileMaker technical specs on Claris-FileMaker website before updating operating systems.

FileMaker Server system specs are updated often. Please check Claris-FileMaker's site for the most updated information:

Installing on RDS or Citrix Xen App:  

  • FileMaker Pro is installed on the virtual RDS or Citrix server, and FileMaker Server on the file server.    The required number of client (CAL) licenses purchased is based on the number of unique end user computers that will connect to Crate Pro through the virtual server. The number of FileMaker Pro installations on virtual servers may not be greater than the number of CAL purchased. (per terms of EULA)

Other information for older versions below

3> Understanding Crate Pro License Configurations:  

This short video will go through the options.

The CLIENT license is a 2-part license. A minimum of one each is required for all installations. A client license is based on a computer and not a user.

Part 1: A CAL, or computer access license, is installed on each computer. The unique device, not the user, consumes a CAL license.

  • Each CAL includes a FileMaker Pro installation.
  • A CAL is not installed on a computer with FileMaker Server

Part 2: The  DAL, or database access license, manages the concurrent connections into the database. No matter the quantity of computer licenses, you must also have at least one DAL to be able to connect.

  • You may need fewer DAL than CAL:  such as in the case of shift workers sharing a computer, or if a staff member has a desktop and a laptop and only one at a time is used to access Crate Pro .
  • A minimum one DAL required. Do not underestimate this number as it can cost you more in wasted time to have to 'take turns' accessing Crate Pro than the one-time cost of the license itself. 
    • DAL are hard coded into your database files and can't be transferred but there are no ongoing maintenance fees for DAL.

  • Increasing the CAL or DAL counts can be done at anytime, however, reducing the counts can only be done at maintenance renewal time. There are no ongoing charges for the concurrent connections, DAL. Maintenance only affects the CAL and Server option.


 FileMaker Server runs using your computers services - 

  • It manages speed and access. 
  • Has auto-restart after reboot. 
  • Ability to set multiple backup routines and save files to a location of choice. 
  • Allows for remote access of the FileMaker Admin Console via any web browser without the need for FileMaker Pro to be installed.  
  • Higher security for connections.  
  • Effective with FileMaker Server 19 - customers may install a full installation of FM Server 19 on a 2nd server as a fail-over should the primary server need servicing or fail. (Only one may be active concurrently)
  • Recommended for 5+ CAL and is required for 6+ CAL connections, Citrix, RDS or terminal services.

!!! All plans are paid in full however, any plan over $2999USD is eligible for monthly payments through eLease Funding (USA only at this time) <Click Here>



FileMaker SERVER System Requirements

FileMaker PRO client System Requirements (All Versions)

Crate Pro 6 releases and FileMaker Version Compatibility  Check which releases of Crate Pro 6 work with which versions of FileMaker

FileMaker Server 18    Existing customers using FileMaker Pro 16 client, will need to continue to use Fm Server 18 until you can migrate your data to FileMaker Pro 19 client. Fm Pro 16 client is not compatible with FM Server 19


We do not support FileMaker GO and at this time, FileMaker Cloud 2.0 is not compatible with our licenses. You may opt for an online hosting company such as AWS, for FileMaker Server hosting and install the client software on the local clients.**

July 2020 -  Microsoft Win 10 S Mode . This operating system only allows you to download and install Microsoft Store applications. You will not be able to install Crate Pro