Changing or adding a client license is simple in Crate Pro 6. These instructions are only to transfer your client license to a new client computers. If you are transferring Crate Pro from one host computer to a new host computer CLICK HERE
You will need:
FileMaker Pro version you're licensed for
FileMaker Pro license key (FIleMaker Pro 15/16) or certificate file (FileMaker Pro 17/18/19)
Crate Pro 6 Activation file (depending on your security - you may need an active CP6 Activation file)
Check the status of client licenses in Crate Pro 6 before you start:
- Preferences > Licensing > Overview and check the total number of Client Access Licenses (CAL)purchased.
- Go to Preferences > Licensing > Devices: How many line items are used?
Option 1: Use this see that the number of CAL licenses on the Overview tab is less than the number of connected computers on the Devices tab:
- Install FileMaker Pro on the new computer, use your FileMaker Pro license key.
- Open FileMaker and in the Launch window, click on the HOSTS tab to locate the host or server. The hosted Crate Pro file should appear and can be selected.
- You may need to enter the IP or name of the server if not automatically found, or you'll need to enter the external IP of the router if your connection is from outside your network.
Option 2: Your Device table indicates your CAL licenses are all in use you will need to delete from Crate Pro the computer that is being removed so that the license can be used on a new computer.
- You can purchase additional CAL for the new computer (this does not increase your concurrent connections DAL) // Or to transfer one of the existing licenses to a new computer
- Open Crate Pro from a licensed computer that is not the computer being removed from the system or fromk the Host computer (computer with Crate Pro 6 files)
- Go to Preferences > Licensing > Devices select to delete the old computer from the list by clicking on the red X at the end of the line item for the computer being removed. (!!! In peer-to-peer the first device is the Host computer and can not be deleted. It manages your database files)
- Install FileMaker Pro on the new computer, click on the HOSTS tab to locate the host or server. The hosted Crate Pro file should appear and can be selected. You may need to enter the IP or name of the server if not automatically found, or you'll need to enter the external IP of the router if your connection is from outside your network.
Delete FileMaker Pro from the old computer to avoid a license conflicts and remain within terms of EULA