Printing or printing to PDF a filtered list of all locked and unlocked Designs by Customer or Style is easy. Exporting into a spreadsheet format is native within Crate Pro 6. However, if your export includes unlocked designs, you will get a message. Here is the solution to export all designs based on any filtered criteria, regardless if they are locked or unlocked without having to lock all designs. 

The Bulk Refresh will allow you to bulk lock designs - this will also update the prices  weights and times in the selected designs. Customers should use 'ice cream pricing' on any design that you want a static selling price reflected. The benefit allows you to see the change in your costs versus the static selling price. See Ice Cream Pricing

The export option is what allows you to save the data into a spreadsheet format such as XLS, CSV or HTM


Printing includes printing to a physical printer or printing to a PDF format.

If your filtered list contains unlocked designs and you select EXPORT, you will receive the following message.

Export or print a report containing only Locked designs:

  • Filter your designs to show your desired criteria: Using the FIND option at the top of the Design module lets you filter using a number of criteria. Or you can select View > Summary List and filter your criteria by clicking on any text that's blue
  • Click on any filled blue circle in the Locked column to filter to show only the locked designs
  • To print to a printer or save as a PDF - click on the PRINT icon on the top menu bar and select your preferred printer
  • To export into a spreadsheet format select EXPORT in the top menu bar and select the file format you prefer. The XLS format includes the field headers)

Print a report containing Unlocked designs (may include both Locked and Unlocked)

  • Filter your designs to show your desired criteria: Using the FIND option at the top of the Design module lets you filter using a number of criteria. Or you can select View > Summary List and filter your criteria by clicking on any text that's blue
  • To print to a printer or save as a PDF - click on the PRINT icon on the top menu bar and select your preferred printer

To Export a list that includes Unlocked designs: 

There may be a faster method but this workaround wasn't too complex. If anyone has a faster or simpler method, please let me know. Due to the Bulk Refresh feature - we may be using a workaround for exporting versus printing for some time.

  • Filter your designs to show your desired criteria: Using the FIND option at the top of the Design module lets you filter using a number of criteria. Or you can select View > Summary List and filter your criteria by clicking on any text that's blue
  • Select PRINT icon from header menu and select to print to XPS or OXPS and save the file.
  • In a browser open any XPS conversion software. I found   is incredibly easy to use for this purpose. If not pre-selected select Document converter and set it to OXPS or XPS  to CSV
  • Select your saved file and  Convert    Once complete ( a few seconds to a minute depending on how much data there is) select to download the converted file.
  • When you open the new CSV file using Excel - all the data will be located in the first column. To separate the data into their own columns is a simple process native to Excel (I have not tried this using other spreadsheet software but most will have similar steps)

Open the CSV file in Excel:

  1. Select the entire column (A) by clicking on header that contains the text you want to split.
  2. Step 1 of the wizard -  Select Data > Text to Columns : change option to 'Fixed Width' then NEXT
  3. Step 2 of the wizard - drag the column lines so that each line is immediately before the text for each column. If you leave a space in front of the text - the conversion will also leave a space in the fields. Ignore any header text and concentrate on the actual data   --  scroll right to see all columns data  --- when done click NEXT
  4. Step 3: Due to dates and QTY field, I suggest leaving the Data Format to 'General' or if you want to specify any column formatting, such as the field that contains the dates set specifically as a date field, click on that column in the wizard to highlight it, and change the 'Column data format'  to Date and in the box - specify the format. This can be advantageous for international dating.  Click FINISH when done

Your data has been separated into correct columns for use as needed!


This can also work for Project > Pieces reports when saved as a PDF.  Using the same steps as above. However, when using the Excel Wizard for Text to Columns, the column data may not line up as cleanly when converted from a PDF file.

An export option to spreadsheet is a planned feature for customers with active maintenance.