These instructions are only for customers using FileMaker Server as the host of the Crate Pro files. Do not use for peer-to-peer configurations.

You'll need:

FileMaker Pro installation file

FileMaker license key or your FileMaker certificate file

Crate Pro 6 Activation file

Open Crate Pro from a client computer that you are NOT transferring the license from.

  • Ensure Crate Pro and FileMaker is closed on the computer being removed / that you are transferring the license from
  • From a client that will not have the license transferred, open Crate Pro - go to Preferences > Licensing > Devices: locate the line item with the computer being removed and click on the red X to delete that computer
  • Install the FIleMaker Pro version compatible with your FileMaker Server version onto the new computer: Version Compatibility
    • You will need your FileMaker Pro license key for all versions of FIleMaker Pro up to FileMaker Pro 16
    • You will need your FileMaker certificate file for all versions of FileMaker from 17 to current
  • Open FileMaker Pro on the new client
    • For FileMaker Pro 16 and older: In the Launch window, click on the HOSTS tab: locate the  server. 
    • For FileMaker Pro 17 and current: Click on Favorites > Add App > From Hosts: locate the server
  • Click on the main Crate Pro 6 file to create a shortcut (NOT Data Share or Resources)
  • Double click on the new short cut and log in normally.
    • You may need to copy/paste the entire block of data in your CP6 Activation file
  • Uninstall FIleMaker Pro from the computer that is being removed

Customers without maintenance that need any of the files or keys will need to purchase replacements. In some cases, an expired Crate Pro 6 activation file will work for the purpose of transfer and a temporary active one may not be needed.  SInce your own systems security will determine this,if you don't have a maintenance plan, we suggest trying your existing file first.

Here's a short video