Clients computers may connect to your Crate Pro database files through a local or VPN and / or remote connection. An example is user that has a laptop that connects locally to the hosted database files while in the office, but connects remotely when out on the road or at another location. You can set up both a local and remote connection on any client. 


The computer with the Crate Pro database files is called the Host in peer-to-peer configurations. Peer-to-peer means that a client computer will host your Crate Pro files AND can be a client computer for a user. Host computers do not run server operating systems. FileMaker Pro is installed on the Host computer whether a user intends to access it or not.

If your purchase included FileMaker Server the computer with the Crate Pro files is called the server .  FileMaker Server is installed on the computer running a server operating system and FileMaker Pro is installed on the licensed clients. Virtual or terminal server configurations are handled differently.

The speed of Crate Pro can be affected by the speed of your network and internet connection like any other hosted program. A wired connection over a wireless is generally faster. Especially for the host / server. Using FileMaker Server, versus a user computer, better manages your data transfer and will be faster. This is especially true in the peer-to-peer configuration where the host may be slowed by the user using other applications at the same time as its hosting Crate Pro 6.   FileMaker Server offers automated backup routines that protect your hosted database files. 

Effective 2016, dial-up internet connections are too slow to support external connections.

Connecting to Crate Pro from a Client from INSIDE your local network:

  • Inside your local network means that you're on the same subnet. Similar to using a VPN.
Because some DHCP servers cycle IP addresses, use a static IP address. A static IP address is strongly suggested.

  • Crate Pro must be open and running on the Host or server computer 
    • In peer-to-peer - on the Host go to the FileMaker menu and click on File > Sharing > Share with FileMaker clients and select to turn it ON.
    • If using FileMaker Server: Open the FileMaker Admin console 
      • FMS 13-16: Select Activity and set the Crate Pro files to 'Normal' 
      • FMS 17-19: Open the Admin Console and confirm the databases are being hosted: Select 'Databases  and set the Crate Pro files to 'Open All'
No matter your configuration: Even for local only connections, ports 5003 and 5353 must be open on your router if you use DHCP. By default, these ports may already be open as they're registered to Claris-FileMaker. But some companies may close these ports for security. (You may need to ensure FileMaker and Bonjour files can pass through your Firewall)

  • On the clients - Open FileMaker Pro:
    • FMP 13-16:  The Welcome screen appears the first time FMP is opened on a client. Click on the X in upper right corner to see the Launch Center . Select the Host tab and FMP should locate your Host/Server computer . 
    • FMP 17-19: Click on the FAVORITES module on the left. Click on "Add App > From Hosts --  On the left your Host or server will be shown. Select it. 

(if your Host/server doesn't appear automatically you can add it manually by clicking on the + symbol and entering the IP or DNS name of the Host/server. However, you will want to confirm that the ports are open and your firewall is not blocking the files.)

  • Select the Host/server name. The three Crate Pro files will appear. Select the primary file based on your version (NOT the Resources or Data Shared file) This creates a shortcut that users will use going forward.
  • Double click on the new shortcut to open Crate Pro.

Connecting from an External Client Connection or over an internet connection:

Connecting from outside is similar to connections inside your local network if you're not using a VPN, except you will use the + to add the Host/server connection se your companies external IP (public IP) to manually enter the first time.

 We recommend that you have a static IP address for external connections, and on your host/server to avoid IP address changes made by your ISP on external connections, or from your DHCP service for internal. Changes would require you to update the connection setting in your clients. While not difficult, it is annoying. 

Most external IP address's can be found by opening a browser window from inside your network and typing "what's my external IP"

  • Ensure Crate Pro is open, on your Host / Server computer for the clients to connect 

  •  Open FileMaker Pro on your client. 

  • FMP 13-16:  The Welcome screen appears the first time FMP is opened on a client. Click on the X in upper right corner to see the Launch Center . Select the Host tab 
  • FMP 17-19: Click on the FAVORITES tab on the left. Click on ADD APP > From Hosts

Locate the  +  at either the bottom or top of the window (based on FileMaker version) and enter the external IP address or DNS name of the host or server computer. You may also enter an optional name. Save the settings.

Select the host/ server you entered from the list and allow a minute to locate the network > host > then the Crate Pro 6 files will appear in the right window.

  • Select the Host/server name. The three Crate Pro files will appear. Select the primary file based on your version (NOT the Resources or Data Shared file) This creates a shortcut that users will use going forward.

  • Double click on the new shortcut to open Crate Pro.

If after entering the host/server IP you do not see your files, as long as the ports are open on the hosting network, most likely your network security setting or the firewall on the host./server are blocking the ability to see the files. Allow FileMaker or .fmp files access in your firewall.

Port Forwarding in your Router

In most cases you don't have to do anything within the router for your local clients to see your Crate Pro database files when you start FileMaker Pro. However, some companies lock or close ports as an additional security measure. 

A port is like a door which allows you to enter a specific store. If the door is 'locked' for the store you want to enter, you can't get in. FileMaker uses specific ports (doors) to allow your client computers to enter into the 'store' that has your Crate Pro 6 database. If you're going to connect to Crate Pro from outside your local network, you will have to ensure these ports are open and pointed to the host computer that has the Crate Pro 6 files.

Login to your router, locate the screen in your router that allows you to set up your ports. 

You may enter anything in the 'description' fields but set ports 5003 and 5353 to go to the IP address of the host/server of your Crate Pro database. 

Most routers will pre-enter the first three octaves of your networks internal IP so you only need to enter the last octave, check it as enables and save it.

If you installed FILEMAKER SERVER (this is an recommended but optional purchase), you will also set ports 16000 and 16001 so that you can access and administer the FileMaker Admin Control Panel from any web browser. The FileMaker Admin Control Panel will allow you to set automated backups and gives you many other benefits to ensure your Crate Pro runs fast and clean.