Crate Pro 6 up to release 6.19 all field titles are exclusively in English. Due to the uniqueness of crating industry terms, many translation services provided inaccurate translations.
Some sections of Crate Pro 6 allow users to enter data in any language - these areas will be displayed below.
As a prospective feature we are considering adding to Crate Pro a pop-over for field titles that will offer the user to see a translation. For us to implement this, we're asking Crate Pro users that work in the industry - to help identify some of the terms and components. If we get enough feedback, we can look to implement this feature sooner rather than later. It's not necessary to complete the entire document. Any assistance is appreciated.
Please download and open the attachment. Enter your term(s) for the components and other field titles listed in Crate Pro 6 and return the file to I appreciate as much as you can complete and don't worry about completing the entire form.
Thank You Very Much,
Joseph Masiarcyzk
I will be creating a video to assist you in seeing the areas of Crate Pro 6.19 that allow you to enter your language